Saturday, May 14

Growing Garden

I'm a little late on posting these pictures (the garden has grown so much since these were taken about a month or two ago), but I still think it is worth a look design-wise.

I've shared our garden design in our own backyard (two raised beds with a skinny raised bed along the back for cucumbers) which you can see here, but my mom's garden (seen below) is a creative way to incorporate the garden into the patio.  What do you think of the layout?

Having the pavers in between the raised beds is not only pretty, but also functional because it's easier to reach the plants in order to weed or harvest.

She even has an automated watering system set up throughout each raised bed, which seems to be working wonderfully since the plants are producing lots and lots of veggies. 

Mom, I'm sure you're reading this - please add any info/details I may have left out. :)

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